When Is The Best Time to Visit Louvre Museum?

August 8, 2024
7 Mins Read

Are you planning to visit the Louvre Museum on your next trip? Suppose you’re visiting without any plan, and the place is overcrowded. Can you then enjoy the trip? No, right? 

The Louvre Museum is one of the most visited places in Paris. It holds a huge collection of 35,000 art pieces. This article will provide information like visiting tips, the best time to visit Louvre Museum, the least and most crowded days, and more.

In the end, you won’t have to look into other places for information. Because this article will give you everything that you need. So, let’s start without wasting time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the history and more information about the Louvre Museum.
  • General tips for visiting the Louvre Museum.
  • Find out the best time to visit the Louvre Museum.
  • Discover the key attractions within the Louvre Museum.
  • The Louvre Museum ticket types and prices.
  • Learn what you should avoid and consider while visiting the museum.
  • Practical tips for visiting the Louvre Museum.

A Brief Introduction to the Louvre Museum

The Louvre was initially built as a fortress. King Philippe Auguste built the fortress in 1190 to protect Paris from invaders. In the 16th century, King François I transformed the fortress into a royal residence. 

Over the years, the place has been renovated multiple times. During the French Revolution, the museum’s doors were opened to the public. The museum showed many phases of art and different times of its construction.

Architect I.M. Pei designed the glass pyramid entrance, and it is the main entrance of the iconic place. The museum has a huge collection of over 35,000 works of art. From Eastern antiquities to Roman antiquities and Islamic art, you’ll find everything here.

General Tips for Visiting the Louvre

If you want to have the best experience, then you must plan the trip ahead of time. Here are some general tips for your visit.

  • Avoid long lines and book your tickets in advance.
  • Try to choose the dates and times according to the presence of the crowd. You can visit there in the morning to enjoy a relaxing tour without crowds.
  • The museum is vast, and it’s quite possible to get lost here. So, plan your route before. Choose which section of art pieces you want to explore first.
  • When you are visiting the museum, wear comfortable shoes.
  • You can use digital maps or manual maps to explore the place easily.
  • Visit the most popular art pieces first during your visit.
  • Be prepared for a security check, it might take a few minutes. And don’t take anything forbidden there.

What is the best time to visit the Louvre Museum?

What is the best time to visit the Louvre Museum?

The museum attracts millions of tourists each year. So whenever you are planning your visit to the Louvre Museum, finding the best time is important. If you want to have the best experience, then you must pre-plan your visit.

Choose the early morning shift to avoid crowds. You can also choose the afternoon shifts. To get a serene atmosphere on your trip, you can also visit on Wednesdays and Fridays.

If you decide to visit from Tuesdays to Thursdays, the crowd will be relatively smaller. During the weekdays, you are guaranteed to enjoy the place with fewer crowds. The museum is overcrowded on weekends and holidays, so you should avoid these days.

What is the worst time to visit the Louvre Museum?

There can never be a worse time to visit the Louvre. But yes, there are times when the crowd is unbearable. So, you should avoid times from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. These are the worst times, according to research.

Also, the weekends and holidays are quite crowded compared to other days. Many exhibitions and events take place each year. You can definitely enjoy these events, but the crowds would be uncountable.

What are the key attractions within the Louvre?

If you are thinking about what’s the best time to visit Louvre Museum, then also learn about the key attractions. The Louvre is the largest art museum in Paris, so you have to make a list of the key attractions within it.

Mona Lisa

The enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa, who can miss this? It is one of the most visited key attractions. Leonardo da Vinci presented the masterpiece in 1503. It is now kept in the Denon Wing, Room 711.

Venus de Milo

It is not known who created this masterpiece, but many think Alexandros of Antioch was the artist. It is an ancient Greek statue of the goddess Aphrodite, renowned for its beauty despite missing arms. This iconic piece is now in the Sully Wing, Room 346.

Winged Victory of Samothrace

 Hellenistic sculpture of Nike, the goddess of victory. It is mostly known for its dynamic form and dramatic setting. The sculpture is kept in Denon Wing, Room 703.

Liberty Leading the People

This one is a powerful depiction of the July Revolution of 1830 in France. Eugène Delacroix created this one. The painting demonstrates power, freedom, and victory. It is now kept in the Denon Wing, Room 700.

The Coronation of Napoleon

This grand painting illustrates Napoleon Bonaparte’s coronation ceremony. Jacques-Louis David completed this historical oil painting in 1807. It is now in Denon Wing, Room 702. So, whenever you are visiting the museum, it is a must-see.

How can special events affect your visit?

The special events or exhibitions that take place in the Louvre Museum can affect your trip. The Louvre is still gaining more popularity in 2024 than it had before. 

Exhibitions or special events increase the chance of not getting tickets on your desired date. It increases crowds as well, which will hamper your plan of a peaceful trip.

There will be limited access, so getting the tickets will be hard. During these festivals, the evening hours are the busiest. Some events might lead to extended opening hours. The noise level will certainly increase during these days.

Louvre Museum ticket types and prices

To get the right tickets, first, you have to know the ticket types and their prices. Here is the information that you might need.

Guided Tour

The guided tours are the most popular package for the Louvre museum tour. The tickets are €12 to €40, and children under 4 will get free entry. 

Tips: First, check the official website of the Louvre to purchase the tickets. If the tickets are sold out there, look for other websites. You can visit the Louvre museum reserved access tour at a different time slot.

Combo tour tickets

With these tickets, enjoy the Louvre and other attractions to add more things to do in Paris. The tickets might cost you €20 to €40.

Tips: Visit the Louvre museum and Seine River Cruise and get the best offers. 

Last-minute tickets

If you forgot to pre-book the tickets, then the last-minute tickets are for you. Get the musée du Louvre last-minute tickets for €30 to €70.

Tips: If these tickets are unavailable on their official site, then visit websites like Tours Travel Finder. Check out the Louvre Museum last-minute tickets and enter the museum after buying them.

What to avoid and what to consider while planning your Louvre Museum tour?

To have the best experience, here are some suggestions that you can follow. Learn what to avoid and consider while planning,

  • Try to avoid peak hours and peak seasons to avoid the crowds.
  • The Louvre is the largest museum in the world, so do not go there without planning. Try to see the Louvre museum map to get around the Louvre.
  • Do not take large bags or overpack for the Louvre trip.
  • Try to buy the tickets in advance. This will help you avoid facing any hassles.
  • It is always best to plan before the trip. While going inside the Louvre, always carry a map.
  • Carry a water bottle with you so that you can stay hydrated.
  • Take breaks while you are exploring the place.
  • Visiting the Louvre at night might be a different experience. It might turn out to be the best day of your trip.

Tips for visiting with family and children

Here are some tips for visiting with family and children.

  • Make sure to pre-book the tickets, so that you won’t have to face any difficulties.
  • Pre-plan the trip for the comfort of your family and children.
  • Choose the right time, and try to avoid weekends and holidays.
  • Use a map while exploring the museum, and also set meeting points to avoid getting lost.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and dresses, and take breaks while you’re inside.
  • Teach children about museum etiquette, such as not touching the artwork.
  • You must see the Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and the Egyptian antiquities.


When you’re planning your next trip to Paris, you cannot escape the Louvre Museum. Knowing the best time to visit Louvre Museum will help you book Louvre tickets in time.

This article contains all the information regarding the Louvre that will surely help you. Learn when the best time is, when the place is less busy, and how to buy Louvre tickets from this article.

Did this article help you with all the information? If yes, then leave a comment and connect.

Frequently Asked Question

Is it better to go to the Louvre in the morning or afternoon?

On weekdays, both the morning and afternoon are the perfect times to visit the museum. But on weekends, try to visit the place early in the morning.

What are the best hours to go to the Louvre?

The morning and afternoon are the best times and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. are the best hours to go visit the museum.

What is the slowest day at the Louvre?

Wednesdays and Fridays are the slowest days at the Louvre.

How long does it usually take to visit the entire Louvre Museum?

If you want to peacefully enjoy every collection, then take time and plan a 2-day Louvre Museum tour. Or you can plan a whole Louvre Museum day.

Is it possible to skip lines at the Louvre Museum?

Indeed, with the skip-the-line tickets, avoid waiting in line. For this, buy tickets online in advance and enjoy the tour.

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